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Hungarian contribution to the visualization of the wrecks of HMS HAWKE

2024.10.15. 10:58 Doki

Today, 110 years ago, on October 15, 1914, the British cruiser HMS HAWKE sank as a result of an attack by the German submarine U-9. More than five hundred British sailors lost their lives in the disaster. The wrecks were found and explored in August this year by the Scottish diving team called Gasperados, led by Steve Mortimer, based on historical research by Kevin Heath, founder of the Lost in Waters Deep website. The results of the work done by the divers in the depths were summarized by the president of our association, dr. Tamás Balogh, who prepared the report of the expedition and the very first illustrative graphic representation of the wreckage, which National Geographic Hungary Magazin will present to the interested public in commemoration of the anniversary.



Figure 1: The sinking of HMS HAWKE in the second month of World War I. was as unexpected and sensitive loss for the British Navy as the loss of the cruiser SMS ZENTA was for the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in the prelude of the War. The search for her remains now marks the end of a long story by identifying the final resting place of the victims, which has been unknown for more than a hundred years.

The story can be read in Hungarian on the magazine's website: here.
The full text of the article is available in English: here.



Figure 2: SONAR recording of the wreckage of HMS HAWKE (above) and a digital drawing illustrating the position and condition of the wreck, created by Dr Tamás Balogh.

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Címkék: ba underwater cultural heritage wreck diving HMS HAWKE

Further secrets of the LUSITANIA in the National Geographic Magazine

2023.10.19. 21:22 Doki

The remains of the British giant steamer LUSITANIA, resting in the Atlantic Ocean, were visited again between July 13-21, 2023 by the the international expedition, which began in 2022, and was the first which had that most important task is the internal research of the areas affected by the explosion of the torpedo that sank the ship, and which for the first time in the history of the research of the wreck, included Hungarian members. On this occasion, the president of our association Dr. Tamás Balogh, who participated in the expedition by evaluating the underwater photoes and footage made by the divers, wrote an article, which can now be read on the website of the Hungarian edition of the National Geographic Magazine.

Fig. 1: LUSITANIA is on the cover.

An article summarizing the latest research results is available
in Hungarian here
in English here.

By comparing all of this with a similar report on the 2022 research, readers can get a complete over-all picture of the wreckage of the LUSITANIA.

Below we share some drawings made by hand on site during the expedition, which show the state of the ship's bow section in 1915, immediately after the sinking of the wreck, and today, in 2023, which was in the focus of the 2023 expedition.

Fig. 2: The bow of the LUSITANIA on the seabed as seen from the bow deck in 1915 (above) and in 2023 (below). Created by Dr. Tamás Balogh © 2023.

Fig. 3: The bow of the LUSITANIA on the seabed as seen from the bottom of the ship in 1915 (above) and in 2023 (below). Created by Dr. Tamás Balogh © 2023.

Fig. 4: The hull-section of the boiler room No 1. of LUSITANIA viewed from the top of the wreck (covered by the plates of the former port side) in 2023 (above) and the boilsers inside, "looking in" under the plates (below). Created by Dr. Tamás Balogh © 2023.

Fig. 5: An overview of the wreckage of the LUSITANIA seen from the bow in 2023. Created by Dr. Tamás Balogh © 2023.

Fig. 6: Tamás Balogh presents his images made of the LUSITANIA ocean liner and its wrecks to Shannon Forde, director of the Lusitania Museum & Old Head Signal Tower (owner o the wreck), in the company of the expedition leader, Stef Teuwen (left), and the ceremonial handing over of the images together with the members of the expedition in front of the ticket office of the Museum (right).

It would be great if you like the article and pictures shared. If you are interested in the works of the author, you can find more information about the author and his work on the Encyclopedia of Ocean Liners Fb-page.

If you would like to share the pictures, please do so by always mentioning the artist's name in a credit in your posts. Thank You!


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Címkék: underwater cultural heritage English balogh tamas wreck diving RMS Lusitania Ocean liners Encyclopedia of ocean liners

Stunning new album shows history of Scandinavian shipwrecks

2023.01.06. 15:37 Doki

I had a pleasant surprise this week when Danish diver and underwater photographer René B. Andersen sent me some photos showing a few pages of his new book. The photos shows pages with the wreck drawings I made of the shipwrecks visited by the 2016 Jutland Centenary Expedition in which we were both participated. The drawings provide an overview of the shipwrecks presented by René's stunning underwater photographs in the new two-volume book on the shipwrecks of Scandinavia

The book, titled "Legends Beneath the Waves - Scandinavia I. II." was published in November 2022. Its authors are the Danish underwater photographer René B. Andersen and the American Andrew Marriott, the editor of DivePhotoGuide, a portal specializing in underwater films and photos, himself a diver.


The two-volume work is full of the most amazing underwater wreck photos, taken in seven major regions of Scandinavia and showing 60 shipwrecks: 1) 5 shipwrecks in the Åland Islands, 2) 8 shipwrecks on the island of Gotland, 3) 12 shipwrecks in Skåne and Rügen, 4 ) 7 shipwrecks in the Skagerrak and Kattegat regions, 5) 5 shipwrecks in Jutland, 6) 15 shipwrecks in southern Norway (in the region of Kristiansand, Bergen and the Sognefjord), and 7) 8 shipwrecks in Central Norway (in the region of Alesund and Midtgulen).



The underwater shots is complemented by stories and background information based upon the results of thorough historical research. The wrecks presented in the book lie at a rather great depth, and their approach was possible with use of rebreathers and at the cost of many hours of decompression.

The books are in A4 format, full of color pictures and both have 272 pages, so they weigh 4.5 kg. It's a heavy but all the more beautiful read... I'm glad I could contribute to its creation.

Big congratulations to the creators!

More information about the book:









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Címkék: underwater cultural heritage balogh tamas jutland wreck diving rene b andersen

National Geographic Magazine reports on the secrets of LUSITANIA

2022.08.30. 09:40 Doki

The remains of the British giant steamer LUSITANIA, resting in the Atlantic Ocean, were visited by the first expedition, which included both German and Hungarian members between July 6-14, 2022, of which members for the first time managed to get into the No. 1. boiler room of the ship and explore it thoroughly. On this occasion, the president of our association Dr. Tamás Balogh, who participated in the expedition by evaluating the underwater photoes and footage made by the divers, wrote an article, which can now be read on the website of the Hungarian edition of the National Geographic Magazine.


Fig. 1: LUSITANIA is on the cover.

An article summarizing the latest research results is available
in Hungarian here
in English here.

Below we share some drawings made by hand on site during the expedition, which show the state of the wreck in 1915 immediately after the sinking, and today, 2022, of the stern of the ship, which was the research area of ​​the first half of the 7-day expedition.



Fig. 2: The stern of the LUSITANIA on the seabed as seen from the boat deck in 1915 (above) and 2022 (below). Drawing by Dr. Tamás Balogh © 2022.



Fig. 3: The stern of the LUSITANIA on the seabed as seen from the bottom of the ship in 1915 (above) and 2022 (below). Drawing by Dr. Tamás Balogh © 2022.



Fig. 4: An overview of the wreckage of the LUSITANIA seen from the bow in 2022. Drawing by Dr. Tamás Balogh © 2022.



Fig. 5: The points visited by the expedition on the wrecks of the LUSITANIA. Drawing by Dr. Tamás Balogh © 2022.

It would be great if you like the article and pictures shared. If you are interested in the works of the author, you can find more information about the author and his work on the Encyclopedia of Ocean Liners Fb-page.

If you would like to share the pictures, please do so by always mentioning the artist's name in a credit in your posts. Thank You!


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Címkék: underwater cultural heritage English balogh tamas wreck diving RMS Lusitania Ocean liners Encyclopedia of ocean liners

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